Опубликован: 18.11.2015 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 2685 / 0 | Длительность: 22:20:00
Специальности: Преподаватель
Лекция 4:


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Аннотация: Lexis formation: synonyms and antonyms, word stems, parts of speech including prefixes and suffixes.
Ключевые слова: end, this, MODULE, vocabulary, OR, important, part, learning, language, First, discovery, conversation, second, HAVING, formal, CAN, point, draw, MIME, gesture, ETC, selection, extent, course, book, free, relevant, teaching, NOT, new, AS, if, CASE, long, structure, form, AND, idiom, with, grammar, WHERE, SEE, used, help, table, fit, example, verb, adjective, face, crowd, word, feature, ALL, very, relationship, STEM, change, FROM, CHECK, useful, Write, find, lexical, component, speech, combination, compound, ONE, item, play, off, able, clear, meaning, negative, tone, look, sound, ALTER, syllable, LIKE, I., lexical item, mean, SAD, choose, appropriate, concept, isolation, break, individual, odd, Scenario, front, BODY, head, principal, aware, situation, NEXT, problem, computer, translation, TIME, EAT, fast, result, statement, style, Register, acceptable, MOST, awareness, cause, lead, skill, correct, GET, Left, stage, frequency, ITS, scientific, moment, explore, list, diagram, screen, hide, sensitive, job, ASK, class, right, amount, try, real, repeat, set, experiment, Basic, DESCRIBE, family, listening, build, child, confidence, Data, information, linguistic, State, huge, manual, INDEX, even, fraction, Search, Line, small sample, alphabetical order, tutor, complex, dictionary, dictionary entry, problematic, issue, collection, conference, read, drive, polysemy, understanding, instance, explain, pair, bad, surface, while, hierarchy, positive, sentence, intelligence, MAN, black, Green, else, literal, expression, interpretation, available, BIT, fixed, metaphor, original, EXCEPT, crystal, radio, SOAP, subject, custom, practice, live, functional, approach, chapter, account, disposal, call, INSERT, templates, rule


At the end of this module you will:

  • have more understanding of the difficulties ESOL students face in their choice of vocabulary
  • understand the importance of teaching appropriate language
  • have a basic understanding of the formation of words and their relationships
  • have begun to think more deeply about the language you are going to teach


Lexis refers to the vocabulary or words that are a vitally important part of learning a language. A student acquires vocabulary in two ways: the first is by discovery, through interaction/conversation or reading materials which the student has chosen for himself/herself; the second is by having words presented to him/her in the classroom in a more formal manner. The teacher has various ways of achieving this: s/he can point to objects in the classroom, draw pictures, mime an action or make a gesture etc.


The vocabulary you introduce may to a large extent depend on the course book your school uses, but you are free to introduce other areas of vocabulary when you feel that it is relevant to your teaching. However it is essential that your students do not "drown" in too much new vocabulary as, if this is the case, they will retain little of it. Long lists of vocabulary without the structure, relevant context, form and idiom will not bring about language competence.

Not only is it important not to introduce too much, and particularly not in unrelated lists, but the selection of the vocabulary is of great importance. As with grammar, words need to be introduced in a context where students can see how they are used and you need to help students see connections between groups of words (teach table and chair, not table and octopus!)


Students need to know the facts about the formation of words and how different forms fit different grammatical contexts - for example take the verb 'smile'. 'Smile' can also be a noun, and the present participle 'smiling' can also be used as an adjective:

The children never smile at the teacher.

The teacher looked angry then he gave me a smile.

Happy children are always smiling.

The smiling face of the Mona Lisa looks down on the crowd.

This use of the same form of a word for both a verb (smile) and a noun (a smile) is not a feature of all languages and can be very confusing for students

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Лилия Громова
Лилия Громова
1 октября отправила на проверку первое задание, до сих пор не проверено, по этой причине не могу пройти последующие тесты.
Светлана Носкова
Светлана Носкова