Опубликован: 06.08.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 1341 / 49 | Оценка: 5.00 / 5.00 | Длительность: 53:41:00
Лекция 8:

Тaking control

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Stopping processes

Sometimes you may find that you want to stop a currently running process. There are a number of ways to do this, but the easiest are:

  • If the process is running on a terminal, and it's accepting input, hitting the EOF key (usually Ctrl-D) will often do it.
  • If EOF doesn't do it, try the INTR key (usually Ctrl-C).
  • If the process is ignoring INTR, or if it is not associated with a terminal, use the kill command. For example, to find who is using all the CPU time, use ps and look at the %CPU field:
      ps waux | grep cron
    root  105   97.3  1.1  236  340  ??  Is  9:11AM 137:14.29 cron

    Here, cron is using 97% of the CPU time, and has accumulated over 2 hours of CPU time since this morning. It’s obviously sick, and we should put it out of its misery. To stop it, enter:

    # kill 105

    This command sends a signal called SIGTERM (terminate) to the process. This signal gives the process time to tidy up before exiting, so you should always try to use it first. The 105 is cron's PID, which we got from the ps command.

    If the process doesn't go away with in a few seconds, it's probably ignoring SIGTERM In this case, you can use the ultimate weapon:

    # kill -9 105

    The -9 is the number of SIGKILL a signal that cannot be caught or ignored. You can find a list of the signals and their numeric values in /usr/include/sys/signal.h, which is part of the software development package.

FreeBSD also has a script called killall. As the name implies, it kills a group of processes, by name. If you find that you have, say, a whole lot of runaway sendmail processes, and you might save the day by writing:

# killall sendmail

As we'll see else where, you can also use killall to send a signal to a single process when you know that only one is present. For example, to cause inetd to re-read its configuration file, you could write:

# killall -1 inetd


FreeBSD is a networking system, so keeping the correct time is more important than on a standalone system. Apart from the obvious problem of keeping the same time as other local systems, it's also important to keep time with systems in other time zones.

Internally, FreeBSD keeps the time as the number of seconds since the epoch, the beginning of recorded history: 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970. UTC is the international base time zone, and means Universal Coordinated Time, despite the initials. It corresponds very closely, but not exactly, to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the local time in England in the winter. It would be inconvenient to keep all dates in UTC, so the system understands the concept of time zones. For example, in Walnut Creek, CA, the time zone in the winter is called PST (Pacific Standard Time), and in the summer it is PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) FreeBSD comes with a set of time zone description files in the directory hierarchy /usr/share/zoneinfo. We've already seen on page 95 that when you install the system, it stores information about the local time zone in the file /etc/localtime. If you move time zones, you should change the time zone, not the time, either by running the tzsetup program, or simply by copying the file. For example, if you travel with a laptop from Adelaide, South Australia, to San Francisco CA, you would do:

# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime

When you get home again, you would do:

# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Adelaide /etc/localtime

At no time do you need to change the date or time directly.

Why Los_Angeles and not San_Francisco? The developers of the time zone package chose the largest city in the time zone. You need to have a certain understanding of the time zones to choose the correct one.

The TZ environment variable

An alternate means of describing the time zone is to set the environment variable TZ, which we looked at on page 128. You might use this form if you're connected to a remote system in a different time zone, or maybe just to find the time at some other place. For example, in Adelaide, SA I might find:

$ date
Sun Apr 14 13:31:15 CST 2002
$ TZ=America/Los_Angeles date
Sat Apr 13 21:01:15 PDT 2002

Set the TZ variable to the name of the time zone info file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo hierarchy. For example, the value of TZ for Berlin, Germany is Europe/Berlin in FreeBSD.

This is not the same as the usage of the TZ variable in UNIX System V. System V doesn't have the time zone definition files in /usr/share/zoneinfo, so the TZ variable tells it information about the time zone. If you were using System V in Berlin, you would set your TZ variable to MEZ1MSZ2, indicating time zone names and offsets from UTC.

Keeping the correct time

If you're connected to the Internet on a reasonably regular basis, there are a number of programs which can help you synchronize your time via the ntp (Network Time Protocol) service.

A number of systems around the world supply time information via the ntp service. Look at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.html to find one near you.

Your choice of program depends on the nature of your connection to the Internet. If you're connected full time, you'll probably prefer ntpd, which keeps the system synchronized. Otherwise you can use ntpdate, which you can run as you feel like it.


ntpd performs periodic queries to keep the system synchronized with a time server. There are many ways to run it—see the man page ntpd(8). In most cases, you can set up one system on the network to connect to an external time reference, and the other systems on the same Ethernet can get the time information from the first system.

To get the time from an external source and broadcast it to the other systems on the network, create a file /etc/ntp.conf with a content like this:

server        this address is invalid; check what 's near you
driftfile  /etc/ntp.drift

The first line defines the server. The value in this example is invalid , so don't try to use it. It's important to get one near you: network delays can significantly impair the accuracy of the results. ntpd uses the file /etc/ntp.drift to record information about the (in) accuracy of the local system's clock. You only need the final line if you have other systems on the network which wait for a broadcast message. It specifies the broadcast address for the network and also tells ntpd to broadcast on this address.

After setting up this file, you just need to start ntpd:

# ntpd

To ensure that ntpd gets started every time you reboot make sure that you have the following lines in /etc/rc.conf:

ntpd_enable="YES"         # Run ntpd Network Time Protocol (or NO).

The comment on the first line is misleading: the value of ntpd_enable must be YES. You don't need any figs. You put exactly the same text in the /etc/rc.conf on the other machines, and simply omit the file /etc/ntp.conf. This causes ntpd on these machines to monitor broadcast messages.

In previous versions of FreeBSD, ntpd was called xntpd, so you may find things like xntpd_enable in your /etc/rc.conf. If you do, you'll have to change the name.


If you connect to the Internet infrequently, ntpd may become discouraged and not keep good time. In this case, it's better to use ntpdate. Simply run it when you want to set the time:

# ntpdate server

You can't use both ntpdate and ntpd at the same time: they both use the same port. Ntpd takes quite some time to synchronize, and if the time is wildly out, it won't even try, so it's often a good idea to run ntpdate on startup and then start ntpd manually.

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