Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Доступ: свободный | Студентов: 11277 / 3106 | Длительность: 48:33:00
Специальности: Программист
Лекция 9:

Storage technology

< Лекция 8 || Лекция 9: 12345 || Лекция 10 >

3.2. Match the following statements as True or False:

  1. Flash memory's history includes rapidly increasing capacity, ever smaller physical sizes, continually falling prices. Is it true?
  2. Tunneling electrons don't change the gate's electronic charge in "a flash". Is it true?
  3. NAND flash reads and writes chaotically at high speed handling data in small blocks called pages. Is it true?
  4. Moving many small files could further upgrade transfer rates. Is it true?
  5. USB drives encapsulate flash with a memory controller in a bog package, offering high capacity, quick transfer rates, flexibility and much convenience. Is it true?
  6. Memory cards have evolved from the match book-size Compact Flash cards introduced in 1994. Is it true?
  7. Solid state drives, the newest flash memory application can replace a computer's flash memory drive. Is it true?
  8. Traditional hard drives currently offer greater capacity but for a higher price. Is it true?
  9. Flash memory is usually inside your smartphone, but outside GPS, mP3 player and other devices. Is it true?
  10. Solid state drives using flash memory don't always replace hard drives in netbooks and PC's. Is it true?
< Лекция 8 || Лекция 9: 12345 || Лекция 10 >
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Nigora Shomirova
Nigora Shomirova

Это почему так получается я её 1 недели изучала это издевательство что-ли?