Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: платный
Лекция 40:
3.2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false
- Any user can resolve computer problems independently. Is it true?
- Many people feel ashamed to hire a computer specialist in case of problems. Is it true?
- Specialist services are rather expensive. Is it true?
- Some computer problems can be resolved online. Is it true?
- Nowadays most people choose the online technologies for help. Is it true?
4. Discussion
- Supposing your computer is running slowly, what steps could you take to fix it?
- What do you do when Windows programs stop responding?
- Is it necessary to reboot the computer if it freezes?
- How do you fix the Windows blue screen errors?
- Do you turn for help if you have no idea how to erase your hard disc drive and start over?
- What do you do to protect your files and folders in Windows?
- For example, you Twitter account has been hacked. What measures will you undertake?