Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: платный
Лекция 37:
How Computer Memory Works
2.2. Match the following statements as True, False or Not Sated:
- Most forms of memory are intended to store data temporarily. Is it true?
- When the information is kept in memory, the CPU can access it much more quickly. Is it true?
- Some computers also use virtual memory, which expands physical memory onto a hard disk. Is it true?
- BIOS is loaded from RAM. Is it true?
- RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers and other devices. Is it true?
- When an application is closed, it is not purged from RAM. Is it true?
- Often, that amount of RAM is not enough to run all of the programs that most users expect to run at once. Is it true?
- Level 2 cache is built directly into the processor itself. Is it true?
- Cache speeds up computer system. Is it true?
- Both types of RAM are volatile, meaning that they lose their contents when the power is turned off. Is it true?