Опубликован: 08.09.2012 | Уровень: для всех | Доступ: платный
Лекция 1:

Living in a digital age

Лекция 1: 123456 || Лекция 2 >

3.2. Comprehension tasks

3.2.1. Answer the questions to the text

  1. With what purpose was Breedlove and Associates founded?
  2. What is the reason for an office to go paperless?
  3. How is information exchange done in paperless office?
  4. How can paperless office affect the environment?
  5. Rolling out an online service, how can it help the clients?
  6. What changes are coming soon in the Internal Revenue Service?
  7. Who constitutes the main part of the Internal Revenue Service and Breedlove& Associates client base?
  8. Does the company expect difficulties for the clients in turning the paperwork electronic?
  9. What does the author imply by saying "Information thus appears to be becoming paperless roughly as transport has become horseless."?
  10. Why do new generations of office workers like digital information?
  11. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
  12. What is the future of paper?
Лекция 1: 123456 || Лекция 2 >
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