

Примеры проектов американских учителей
(программа Intel ® "Teach to the Future", 2004)

Проекты для средней школы


Subject Area: Math
Grade Level:
3-5, 6-8

Lesson Summary:
After taking part in activities to learn about different components of the metric system, students will share their knowledge and understanding of metrics to others using a presentation.  Then students will take on the role of mathematicians who task is to show the importance of the metric system to the general public and Congress to gather support in order to convince legislation to be passed that would mandate that the United States use only the metric system of measurement.


Unit Plan

Metric Madness Unit Plan

Student Samples
Metric Madness Presentation (PowerPoint)

Let's Make the Move to Metrics Brochure (Publisher file)

Classroom Cookbook Web Site

Note: Links to Internet sites that are provided on this sample Web site may no longer be active; they are provided as illustrative examples only.


Student Support Materials

Web Page Instructions

Linking PowerPoint Slides

Student Presentation Template


Metrics Activity Worksheets

Changing Units of Mass

Comparing Lengths

Estimating Meters

How Do You Measure Up


Measuring Perimeters

Units of Capacity


Teacher Support Materials

Measurement Presentation (PowerPoint)

Metric Ruler

Metric Lessons

Works Cited Document


Evaluation Tools

Brochure Rubric

Metric Madness Multimedia Criteria Sheet

Web Rubric